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Eagle Scout Earns Rare Fourth Palm

Eagle Scout Reed Cok­er of Troop 78 in Boul­der, Col­orado recent­ly earned his fourth Palm. It took years of ded­i­cat­ed efforts and the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of require­ments in the areas of lead­er­ship, ser­vice and out­door skills. Reed attained the rank of Eagle Scout at the age of 15 ...

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Scouting U Online Training Now Available

Complete Your Program Specific Training at Home! Con­tent is now available for all programs around-the-clock on the BSA Learning Cen­ter by logging in to Learn­ers who prefer to com­plete their cours­es in a face-to-face class­room envi­ron­ment can find course dates by con­tact­ing their local dis­trict and/or coun­cil ...

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20 Years Ago, I Became an Eagle Scout

Twen­ty years ago this year, I earned my Eagle Scout. A loy­al Scout from an ear­ly age, earn­ing the Eagle Scout Award was the pin­na­cle of my twelve-year Scout­ing career. I had been luck­ier than most: a strong Troop with both adult and youth lead­ers that val­ued out­door pro­grams, par­ents that sup­port­ed and par­tic­i­pat­ed alongside me, and the means to indul­ge in adven­ture. ...





Why Scouting? — A Study of the Benefits

The dichoto­my of over-planned kids again­st seden­tary do-noth­ing kids is more strik­ing than ever. It can make a par­ent won­der if youth devel­op­ment pro­grams such as Scout­ing are worth pur­su­ing with so many oth­er things com­pet­ing for their time in such a wide range of inter­ests. Just how ben­e­fi­cial is Scout­ing for today’s youth? Why would a par­ent wish to enroll their youth  ...





How to Have The Worst Hiking Experience Ever

We know you secret­ly want your Scouts to suf­fer through that 20-mile hike. That is the goal of it after all, right? So, we thought we’d help you out. Here are some tips to ensure that you and your Scouts have the most mis­er­able time of your lives while hik­ing: 1. Wear real­ly heavy cot­ton clothes if it’s sum­mer. Dress in a t-shirt and shorts if it’s win­ter. They’ll be super sweaty or freez­ing ...


MAY 2017 Edition

The Voice of Scouting exists to tell the world the good news of Scouting. Stories are found from across the nation and the world on how Scouting influences the lives of young people. Submit your story and help spread the good news of Scouting.

© Voice of Scouting 2017