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BSA Announces Termination of Tour and Activity Plan

Sat­ur­day, April 1st, 2017, the Tour and Activ­i­ty Plan was dis­con­tin­ued fol­low­ing a cross-func­tion­al team’s eval­u­a­tion of the BSA’s Tour and Activ­i­ty Plan. As part of the announce­ment, BSA stat­ed: “The Scout­ing pro­gram, as con­tained in our hand­books and lit­er­a­ture, inher­ent­ly inte­grates safe­ty con­sid­er­a­tions. How­ev­er, no pol­i­cy or pro­ce­dure will replace the review and vig­i­lance of trust­ed adults and lead­ers at the point of pro­gram exe­cu­tion” ...

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The Impact of a Volunteer

It is vol­un­teer appre­ci­a­tion mon­th and we are very grate­ful for all of you who ded­i­cate your time and tal­ents to Scout­ing. Scout­ing is blessed to have so many who care so pas­sion­ate­ly about its goals and val­ues. In this video, Dr. John A. Hov­ane­sian, shares some insights into his Scout­ing up- and down-line and the her­itage we all can leave through our vol­un­teer ser­vice ...

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Better, Cleverer Ways to Award Cub Scouts

A five-year-old boy earns a school atten­dance award and a fifty-year-old wom­en wins an Oscar in a sim­i­lar man­ner. An individual’s name is called, the per­son comes up, is hand­ed a certificate(or tro­phy), and oth­ers clap. This is the gener­ic process for awards, diplo­mas, cer­tifi­cates, etc ...





Genealogy Merit Badge, the Key to Family History for Scouts

Scott Fish­er is the host of Extreme Genes, a genealog­i­cal pod­cast with over 50,000 sub­scribers. Being a host comes nat­u­ral­ly for Fish­er, a Con­necti­cut native, who has been in radio since his youth. Fish­er has spent three decades using spare time to do geneal­o­gy as a pas­sion­ate “roots sleuth.” Scout­ing runs in the  ...





Completing all of the Merit Badges Changed A Scout’s Life

This sto­ry is not about Michael Hol­land com­plet­ing all 141 mer­it badges. Nor is this sto­ry about Hol­land com­plet­ing some­thing that only .0018% of all Scouts do. This sto­ry is about how by accom­plish­ing 141 mer­it badges and doing some­thing very few have done, Scout­ing has changed the life of Michael Hol­land for the best ...


APRIL 2017 Edition

The Voice of Scouting exists to tell the world the good news of Scouting. Stories are found from across the nation and the world on how Scouting influences the lives of young people. Submit your story and help spread the good news of Scouting.

© Voice of Scouting 2017