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Determined Scout with Disabilities Earned His Eagle

Bran­don Mer­rill held the door open for oth­ers walk­ing into a restau­rant. “Young Man, you must be an Eagle Scout,” an older gen­tle­man said. Bran­don proudly stated, “Yes sir. I am.” For Boy Scouts, becom­ing an Eagle is some­thing to feel proud of. It takes time, effort, and ded­i­ca­tion. But for Bran­don, his accom­plish­ment means even more. Bran­don was born mostly blind and deaf, with short-term mem­ory and Asperger’s Syn­drome...

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How A Merit Badge Counselor Shaped A Professor’s Career

He vol­un­teered to spend sev­eral Sat­ur­day morn­ings with me hik­ing in the foothills behind my home. He taught me the names and uses of plants, and the ani­mals that relied on those plants. His atten­tion and exper­tise made nature and biol­ogy come alive for me in a way that few other sub­jects in school had ever achieved. All these bless­ings were opened to my view by a man whose name and face I can’t recall, but whose gen­eros­ity will be for­ever reflected in my own will­ing­ness to serve...

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Why Two Cub Scouts Ran A Marathon

“Not all peer pres­sure is bad. If you have peers who are push­ing you to go fur­ther in life and believe in your dreams. Man, you got it made!” The BSA dis­cov­ered this after con­duct­ing research and learn­ing that the most effec­tive way to recruit a young man is from youth speak­ing to youth. They can engage a friend by ask­ing a him to help plan activ­i­ties or  they can invite their friends to attend their court of honor ...





Caltholic Scouters Celebrate Priesthood Sunday: October 30, 2016

Priest­hood Sun­day, cel­e­brated by Catholics nation­wide on the last Sun­day of Octo­ber, is a spe­cial day to honor Priest­hood in the United States. Catholic Scout packs, troops and Ven­ture crews are encour­aged to make a spe­cial effort to involve the youth in pro­grams of mak­ing appre­ci­a­tion cards to be pre­sented after Mass on this day or at an event planned in your parish ...






How is a young man's mind like a mailbox?

Ralph Voelker uses a mail­box as a metaphor for a child’s mind. That mail­box, he says, “is closed a lot. We try to deliver things like char­ac­ter, cit­i­zen­ship, ser­vice to oth­ers, faith, phys­i­cal fit­ness, and loy­alty, but the deliv­ery just won’t go in. So a good Scout­ing leader has meet­ings, activ­i­ties and out­door pro­grams so that there will be times that that mail­box opens, or that child’s mind opens, and they can deliver that mail.” ...


OCTOBER 2016 Edition

The Voice of Scouting exists to tell the world the good news of Scouting. Stories are found from across the nation and the world on how Scouting influences the lives of young people. Submit your story and help spread the good news of Scouting.

© Voice of Scouting 2016