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Planning Programs That ROCK!

A Scout­ing pro­gram con­sists of what-Scouts-DO! All Scout activ­i­ties, meet­ings, out­ings, and spe­cial events should each add col­or­ful brush strokes to the grand paint­ing illus­trat­ing how Scout­ing is fun with pos­i­tive out­comes. We can always sense when fun is hap­pen­ing. We can hear the laugh­ter and make note of the happy remarks and excla­ma­tions. We can acknowl­edge the impres­sive dis­play of focused atten­tion by observ­ing their level of enthu­si­asm and involve­ment. The Scouts want to be doing what they’re doing ...

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September Online Roundtable: Emergency Preparedness

Sep­tem­ber is National Pre­pared­ness Month, so nat­u­rally our online round­table focuses on emer­gency pre­pared­ness. Don’t think this theme is just about badges, though; our BSA motto is "Be Pre­pared" and that is our mes­sage. This topic is fully explained in Pro­gram Fea­tures for Troops, Teams and Crews, vol. 3 pp 37–1–14. “Don’t Wait, Com­mu­ni­cate. Make Your Emer­gency Plan Today,” rounds out pro­gram possibilities for crew, team or troop ...

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How Can You Choose Your Soon-to-be Teenage Son’s Friends?

A cou­ple of weeks ago, our fam­ily returned home from a 10-day sum­mer vaca­tion, and I asked my 13-year-old son what he missed most about home. “Hang­ing out with Jared,” my son said. As a best friend to our son, Jared is just the kind of boy we’d hope for: a hum­ble, kind young man, an all-A stu­dent ...





Why Your Pack Committee Should Be Telling Your Pack’s Story

Does your pack strug­gle with find­ing vol­un­teers, recruit­ing more boys, or absent Cub Scouts? If your activ­i­ties are fun, inter­ac­tive, edu­ca­tional and safe, there is no good rea­son your pack shouldn’t be thriv­ing. We know Scout­ing works and can be espe­cially fun for young Cub Scouts. So what’s the deal?..






Chief Scout Executive Asks Us to Serve the Entire Family

Mike Sur­baugh, Chief Scout Exec­u­tive of the Boy Scouts of Amer­ica, asked Scout Exec­u­tives through­out the nation to set aside the past and begin explor­ing how we can serve the entire fam­ily. He asked us to con­sider a few things: First, an orga­ni­za­tion like Scout­ing can nei­ther sus­tain all new ideas equally, nor can we ...


SEPTEMBER 2016 Edition

The Voice of Scouting exists to tell the world the good news of Scouting. Stories are found from across the nation and the world on how Scouting influences the lives of young people. Submit your story and help spread the good news of Scouting.

© Voice of Scouting 2016