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Choose your own Adventure at Entrada High Adventure Base

High adven­ture activ­i­ties are a great way to keep older Scouts involved in the Scout­ing pro­gram, allow­ing them to con­tinue grow­ing and devel­op­ing as young men even after they have received their Eagle Scout Award. In order for the aims of Scout­ing to be achieved through these types of activ­i­ties, they must be thor­oughly planned to ensure each boy and each adult leader in atten­dance has a safe, enjoy­able and edi­fy­ing expe­ri­ence. At Entrada High Adven­ture Base in South­ern Utah, a Scout troop can receive all the assis­tance they need to plan and exe­cute the per­fect high adven­ture trip...

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Service through Lemonade and Berries

It all started when Brayden’s grand­par­ents’ rasp­berry crop came on full force. They live in Canby, Ore­gon and had more deli­cious, ripe, organic rasp­ber­ries than one fam­ily could pos­si­bly con­sume. “Papa,” Brayden’s grand­fa­ther, asked him if he would like to have a berry stand and Bray­den, a Bear Cub in Pack 199 in Wilsonville, Ore­gon, thought that could be fun. The 8 year old had wanted to do a lemon­ade stand for months. Per­fect! Berries and Lemon­ade would make a great com­bi­na­tion...

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Going Dutch with Onion Rings

Our “test kitchens” at The Voice of Scout­ing used this National Onion Rings Day as an excuse to try some really good stuff and to finally break in my new BSA Dutch Oven. We choose three recipes to try, but most have common ingredients, well all but that mac and cheese. Try buttermilk soaked onion rings and fried egg filled rings...





Brothers First Vietnamese-American Scouts to Earn All Available 138 Scout Merit Badges

Foun­tain Val­ley, CA– Irvine res­i­dents Koby and Ben Nguyen have earned all of the avail­able Boy Scout merit badges, a feat (accord­ing to accom­plished by fewer than 283 Boy Scouts since 1928. The two broth­ers became the first Viet­namese-Amer­i­cans in the his­tory of Boy Scouts of Amer­ica to indi­vid­u­ally earn all 138 merit badges...






Scouting Serves the Jewish Community

After Chris­tians, the Jew­ish faith group is the nation’s largest reli­gious group; and since 1916, syn­a­gogues, day schools, Jew­ish com­mu­nity cen­ters, and other Jew­ish insti­tu­tions have used the Scout­ing pro­gram. In 1913, the first Jew­ish troop was formed. By 1957, Jew­ish Scout­ing mem­ber­ship grew to 1,367 troops char­tered to Jew­ish reli­gious and fra­ter­nal insti­tu­tions...


JUly 2016 Edition

The Voice of Scouting exists to tell the world the good news of Scouting. Stories are found from across the nation and the world on how Scouting influences the lives of young people. Submit your story and help spread the good news of Scouting.

© Voice of Scouting 2016